
...ich bin Jan!

Und ich mache Digitale

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I'm a Freelancing Dev out of Ulm, Germany

If your interested in my skills please, drop me a email
jan ( at) heyjan.de


  • Frontend / Backend Developing
  • Data Analytics (PYTHON)
  • Smart Contract Developing (SOLIDITY)
  • Web3 / AI Consulting


City Partner Hotels, Hotel Goldenes Rad Ulm


I created my first website in 1998. The decision to become self-employed in this field came in 2016. To reinforce the skills I largely acquired through self-learning, I obtained several certificates until now. Maintaining a high quality of work is of utmost importance to me. I prioritize quality over quantity, and my clients appreciate this approach. Additionally, staying current and utilizing modern technology like AI and WEB3 are key aspects of my work.

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